What is Questionnaire?
Advantages and Disadvantages of Questionnaire.
Types of Questionnaire.

In this method a questionnaire is sent (usually by post) to the persons concerned with a request to answer the questions and return the questionnaire. A questionnaire consists of a number of questions
printed or typed in a definite order on a form or set of forms
Advantages of Questionnaire Method
1. There is low cost even when the universe is large and is widely spread geographically.
2. It is free from the bias of the interviewer; answers are in respondents’ own words.
3. Respondents have adequate time to give well thought out answers.
4. Respondents, who are not easily approachable, can also be reached conveniently.
5 Large samples can be made use of and thus the results can be made more dependable and reliable.
Disadvantages of Questionnaire Method
1. Low rate of return of the duly filled in questionnaires; bias due to no-response is often indeterminate.
2. It can be used only when respondents are educated and cooperating.
3. The control over questionnaire may be lost once it is sent.
4. There is inbuilt inflexibility because of the difficulty of
amending the approach once questionnaires have been despatched.
5. There is also the possibility of ambiguous replies or omission of
replies altogether to certain questions; interpretation of omissions is
6. It is difficult to know whether willing respondents are truly representative.
7. This method is likely to be the slowest of all.
Types of Questionnaire
Structured Questionnaire
A structured questionnaire is that one which has pre-determined questions with answers. The respondents only tick the correct answer in short term “yes” or “No”. It is also called pre-coded, closed restricted and categorical questionnaire.
- It is easy and less time consuming.
- It keeps the respondents in limits.
- It has objectivity.
- Confusion and difficulty in selection.
- It bounds the respondents.
- Les possibility of return.
- Difficulty in reliability.
For example
1. Gender Status?
(a) Male (b) Female
2. Marital Status?
(a) Married (b) un-married
3. Family Types
(a) Joint (b) Nuclear (c) Extended
Un-Structured Questionnaire
Un-structured questionnaire is that in which pre-determined questions are given but have no answers. These answers are to be structured by the respondents. Open questions are given for the respondents to give answers. In such type of questionnaire, interview b/w the researcher and respondents or face to face conversation takes place. Such types is also called open-ended, unrestricted or non-categorical questionnaire.
For Example
Do you know about poverty?
What are the types of poverty
What the factors influence poverty
What are the remedies for its solution
- It is more reliable.
- It is more explanatory.
- It gives depth of response.
- It requires greater efforts.
- It is more expansible.
- It risky for an investigator.
- Less returns by the respondents.
Hand Delivered Questionnaire
This is a type of questionnaire in which the investigator himself go to the field and hand over the pre written questions to the respondents. They only tick mark, the correct answers in front of the investigator. It is also called direct questionnaire because the researcher directly distributes the questionnaire among the respondents.
- The researcher have close contact with respondents.
- Difficult questions are explained by the researcher to the respondents.
- He explains the purpose of the study.
- It is more expensive and costly.
- It more time consuming.
Mailed Questionnaire
Most of the researcher uses that type of questionnaire. In that type the respondents are living in for-flung areas at a distance and the questionnaire is sent to them by post, they fill it and return back to the researcher or concerned department. A particular guide line or instructions list is attached to the questionnaire for the respondents guidance.
- It is commonly used.
- It is useful for the researcher.
- It is very easy and simple.
- It saves time and money.
- Lack of returns.
- Research take time due to careless and laziness of the respondents.
- Lack of skilled respondents.
- Errors may occur due to misunderstanding of respondents.
A questionnaire can also be divided as the follows depending on the nature of the questions therein
1. Open ended questionnaire
a) Respondent is free to express his views and the ideas.
b) Used in making intensive studies of the limited number of the cases.
c) Merely an issue is raised by such a questionnaire.
d) Do not provide any structure for the respondent’s reply.
e) The questions and their orders are pre – determined in the nature.
2. Close ended questionnaire
a) Responses are limited to the stated alternatives.
b) One of the alternatives is simply YES or NO.
c) Respondent cannot express his own judgment.
3. Mixed questionnaire
a) Questions are both close and open ended.
b) Used in field of social research.
4. Pictorial questionnaire
a) Used very rarely.
b) Pictures are used to promote the interest in answering the questions.
c) Used in studies related to the social attitudes and the pre – judices in the children.
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