International Organization

What is international organization?
Definition of International organization from differ authors.
Organic Structure of international organization
Different types of international organization.
Different kinds of international organization.
Classification of international organization

International Organization

An international organization can be defined, following the International Law Commission, as an
'organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal personality'.

International organizations generally have States as members, but often other entities can also apply for membership. They both make international law and are governed by it. Yet, the decision-making process of international organizations is often 'less a question of law than one of political judgement'.

Definition of International Organization

According to J.G. Starke
Although strictly speaking the structure and working of these bodies and associations are primarily the concern of the department of political science known as international organization or administration; their activies nonetheless impiringe upon the field of international law.

According to Quincy Wright
International Organization is the Art of creating and administering general and regional organization comprising independent state to facilitate cooperation in realicommon purpose and objectives.

According to Jacob and Atherton
International Organization is a association of sovereign states. They have governmental function to perform but they do not have the powers normally assumed by government

Organic Structure of International Organization

The organic structure of International organization is as below

1. Headquarter

The international organization set or fix  the location of headquarter. There might have branch at different regional but the headquarter would be the central office.

2. Membership

There are two types of membership
a) original or founder members and
b) subsequet members
Both members enjoys the same statute and facilities.

3. Objectives

The International organization set up some objectives. The main roles of international organization would be to achieving such objectives.

4. Organ

The international organization will have minimum one principal organ by which the International organization will run. Additional subsidiary organ may include.

(a) Plenary Body
This is the policy making body of the organization. All members are sits in this body.The plenary body names as i. e. General Assembly, Assembly etc. The main function of the body is control budget, adopt convention etc.

(b) Executive Body
The executive body is a small body consisting limited numbers of elected or selected members.  For example Security Council of UN has 5 selected permanent members and 10 elected members.

(c) Secretariat 
Secretariat is the permanent administrative body. The main function of the secretariat is to co-ordinate the organization by its officials. There is a head of this body i.e. Secretary General, Director General etc who is elected from either from plenary body or executive body.

5.Decision Making 

For any decision making the international organization constitute a voting system. The voting system might be unianimousor majority basis.

6. Expulsion and Supervention of Membership

The international organization might have the option of expulsion which is depends on the organization. The membership of international organization might be suspended due to any reason.

7.  Amendment

The international organization convention might be amendment according to its rules and regulation.

Classifications/ Kinds/ Types of International Organization


By Scope and Membership

Inter-Governmental Organization

These are organizations that are made up primarily of  sovereign states ( member states). Intergovernmental organizations are an important aspect of  public international law. IGOs are established by treaty that acts as a charter creating the group. Treaties are formed when lawful representatives (governments) of several states go through a ratification  process, providing the IGO with an international legal personality. Notable examples include the United Nations (UN). The UN has used the term "intergovernmental organization" instead of "international organization" for clarity.

International Non-Governmental Organization

United Nations now describe a International Non-Governmental Organization(INGOs) as a “not-for- profit, voluntary citizen’s group, which is organized on international level to address issues in support of the public good. INGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions,  bring citizens concerns to governments, monitor policy and programme implementation, and encourage participation of Civil Society stakeholders at the community level.Examples of International NGOs includes; Oxfam, CARE.

By Geographical Coverage

Global Organization

This is type of organization which draws its members from all over the world and membership is open to all. They generally open to nations worldwide as long as certain criteria and all requirements set are met. This category includes the United Nations (UN) and its specialized agencies, Universal Postal Union, Interpol, World Trade Organization, World Custom Organization, International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

Regional Organization

They incorporate international membership and encompass geopolitical entities that operationally transcend a single nation state. However, their membership is characterized by  boundaries and demarcations characteristic to a defined and unique geography, such as continents, or geopolitics, such as economic blocks. They have been established to foster cooperation and political and economic integration or dialogue amongst states or entities within a restrictive geographical or geopolitical boundary. They both reflect common patterns of development and history that have been fostered since the end of  World War II as well as the fragmentation inherent in globalization. Most ROs tend to work alongside well-established multilateral organizations such as the United Nations. Examples of ROs include the African Union (AU), European Union (EU), the Organization of American States (OAS), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Arab League, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Sub-Regional Organization

These are organizations formed by member states who are strategically located in same geographic block. The membership is limited only to members in certain sub regions and members from other regions not allowed to join. Examples include ECOWAS (Economic Community Of West Africa States), EAC (East Africa Community), IGAD, SADC, UMA (Arab Maghreb Union) among others.

According to Treaty

Inter-State Treaty Form Organization

A treaty between states enjoins the involvement of the legislative as well as the executive organ of the government is called Inter State Treaty Form Organization.

Inter-Government Traty Form Organization

A treaty between government enjoins the only involvement of administrative organ of the government is called Inter-Government Treaty Form Organization. Example; IMF.

According to Binding

Supra-National Organization

The Supra National Organization have the ability to take decision direct binding upon member state, public and private enterprise as well as individual within these state. Example: EU

Non-Supranational Organization

This organization can act or execute decisions only through member states. Example; UN.

According to Purpose

General Purpose

These are organizations that have competence in a wide range of topics i.e. political, economic, social, cultural, security among others. A good example is the United Nations umbrella that has many organs within it covering wide range of issues such as the General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly); The Security Council (decides certain resolutions for peace and security); The Economic and Social Council (assists in promoting international economic and social cooperation and development); The Secretariat (provides studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN) and the International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ). Other examples include African Union, Economic Community of West Africa States, and Association of South East Asian States. All these organizations have political and security committee, Economic committee and social and cultural committees that deal with wide variety of issues.

Particular Purpose

These organs share the characteristic of specializing only in one function. Such agencies may be predominantly forum or service organs. In the case of forum activities they serve as meeting  place for
discussing principles but they however don’t negotiate the detailed design or execution of programmes. Service oriented one are also like forum organs but tends to have larger budget, secretariat and in addition their decision making process are more likely to emphasize on  problems solving by experts. An example in the United Nations family of specialized agencies such as Food and Agriculture Organ(FAO), World Health Organization(WHO), World Metrological Organization(WMO). Environmental organizations such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Migration organizations such as International Organization for Migration (IOM),Maritime organizations such as International Hydrographic Organization, Arms control and nuclear power organizations such as Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), Financial, trade, and customs organizations such as African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Islamic Development Bank (IDB) World Bank Group and World Trade Organization (WTO)

According to Function

Promotional Organization

The international organization which are directed primarily to inspire co-operation is called Promotional Organization.

Operational Organization

The international organization which are involved in direct co-operation is called Operational Organization.

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