Authority in the Law of the Sea

What is Authority in the Law of the Sea?
Establishment of Authority.
Organs of Authority.
Powers and Function of Authority.


Generally Authority means the power or right of a body to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.

In the law of the sea Authority is defined in Article 1(2) of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) III as

"Authority" means the International Seabed Authority.

Establishment of the Authority

According to Article 156 of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) III

1. There  is  hereby  established  the  International  Seabed  Authority, which shall function in accordance with this Part.
2. All States Parties are ipso facto members of the Authority.
3. Observers at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea who have signed the Final Act and who are not referred to in article 305, paragraph  1(c),  (d),  (e)  or  (f),  shall  have  the  right  to  participate  in  the Authority  as  observers,  in  accordance  with  its  rules,  regulations  and procedures.
4. The seat of the Authority shall be in Jamaica.
5. The Authority may establish such regional centres or offices as it deems necessary for the exercise of its functions.

Organs of the Authority

According to Article 158 of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) III

There  are  hereby  established,  as  the  principal  organs  of  the Authority, an Assembly, a Council and a Secretariat.

Powers and Functions of Authority

Powers and Functions of Assembly
According to Article 160 of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) III

1. The Assembly, as the sole organ of the Authority consisting of all the members, shall be considered the supreme organ of the Authority to which the other principal organs shall be accountable as specifically provided for in this Convention.  The Assembly shall have the power to establish general policies in conformity with the relevant provisions of this Convention on any question or matter within the competence of the Authority.
2. In addition, the powers and functions of the Assembly shall be:
(a)   to  elect  the  members  of  the  Council  in  accordance  with article 161;

(b)  to  elect  the  Secretary-General  from  among  the  candidates proposed by the Council;
(c)   to elect, upon the recommendation of the Council, the members of    the    Governing    Board    of    the    Enterprise    and    the Director-General of the Enterprise;
(d)  to establish such subsidiary organs as it finds necessary for the exercise of its functions in accordance with this Part.

(e)   to  assess  the  contributions  of  members  to  the  administrative budget of the Authority.

(i) to consider and approve, upon the recommendation of the Council.

(ii) to  consider  and  approve  the  rules,  regulations  and procedures of the Authority.

(g) to  decide  upon  the  equitable  sharing  of  financial  and  other economic   benefits   derived   from   activities   in   the   Area,consistent with this Convention and the rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority;
(h)  to  consider  and  approve  the  proposed  annual  budget  of  the Authority submitted by the Council;
(i)   to  examine  periodic  reports  from  the  Council  and  from  the Enterprise and special reports requested from the Council or any other organ of the Authority;

Powers and Functions of Council

According to Article 162 of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) III

1. The Council is the executive organ of the Authority.  The Council shall have the power to establish, in conformity with this Convention and the general  policies  established  by  the  Assembly,  the  specific  policies  to  be pursued by the Authority on any question or matter within the competence of the Authority.
2. In addition, the Council shall: 

(a)   supervise and coordinate the implementation of the provisions of this Part on all questions and matters within the competence of  the  Authority  and  invite  the  attention  of  the  Assembly  to cases of non-compliance;
(b) propose to the Assembly a list of candidates for the election of the Secretary-General;

(c)  recommend to the Assembly candidates for the election of the members  of  the  Governing  Board  of  the  Enterprise  and  the Director-General of the Enterprise; 

(d) establish, as appropriate, and with due regard to economy and efficiency, such subsidiary organs as it finds necessary for theexercise of its functions in accordance with this Part.  

(e)   adopt its rules of procedure including the method of selecting its president;
(f)   enter  into  agreements  with  the  United  Nations  or  other international  organizations  on  behalf  of  the  Authority  and within its competence, subject to approval by the Assembly;
(g)   consider the reports of the Enterprise and transmit them to the Assembly with its recommendations;

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